PPA258 Color Challenge

It has been a few weeks since I have found time to do a challenge. I have been busy with all our summer family activities, training for some upcoming 5k's and trying to keep up with all the yardwork. We have had ample amounts of rain and my acre yard was beginning to look like a jungle. I also participated in a juried Arts and Crafts show and was busy trying to create a variety of cards for the table. The colors chosen for this challenge really caught my eye and inspired me. Hope you like the finished result...

Here is a picture of me at my event table. I enjoyed the venue and getting feedback on which cards were the crowd pleasers. It is so hard to tell and sometimes, what I perceive as not great actually gets the most oohs and ahhhs...

To see the other cards submitted to the Pals Paper Arts click here

Posted on July 6, 2015 .